Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And So the Summer Starts...

Last week I started my summer job. I'm working at a nature preserve that I call the Center. I admit I was very excited to get this job, but I didn't realize the crazy hours I was going to have to work. :) This is most likely because I entered the workplace right before crazy hectic time of presentations; the non-profit nature center I'm working for is finishing up an expansion of their building. It's all very exciting, but a ton of work has been piled on me! At least I love what I'm doing! However, I may never be able to look at a floor plan in the same way again. If what I'm working on ever gets published, I'll be sure to post a link~! ;)

The time I'm not working at the Center is spent usually helping my mother with her crazy landscaping endeavors. This weekend it was trimming the trees and creating shade gardens under them. I've grown an aversion to all pine trees due to the amount of twigs, bark, and sap I've pulled from my hair in the last weekend. It probably amounts to at least half a tree. -_-;; The yard looks great, though, and I'm very pleased with what I've done.

I've been able to snap a few pictures, but haven't had time to upload them to my computer yet. I  caught the last of the apple blossoms behind my house and am very pleased with the results. I've also photographed some of my adorable kitties and a nest of robins, living near the center. Hopefully sometime this week I'll be able to snap some shots of the pair of cranes (plus baby!) that are living near the Center. 

Well, I should probably be getting ready for another busy day tomorrow. 

Have a good week!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggedy jig

I never realized that my itty bitty dorm room could hold so much stuff until I attempted to move out of my room today. I actually managed to pop a tire on one of the carts I was using! And, of course, back in my room at home, I have more stuff to add to the stuff I already have. I've already figured out that I either need to a) somehow harness the power of a TARDIS to create a bigger room, b) reorganize everything so that stuff actually fits, and/or c) get a dresser that is taller than it is wide so that I can have more space. Also, I need to clean out my closet. And unpack more. My clothes are still in the minivan--I've been unpacking and rearranging my books and bringing out my spring clothes for the warmer weather all of today, and haven't had time for anything else. :(

No photos today, but maybe in a couple of days after my room no longer looks like a tornado of cardboard boxes exploded in it. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So now that my last (horrid, horrid, horrid) final is over and I no longer feel like having my teeth pulled without anesthesia and then punching someone in the face rather than taking my Zoology final (which went slightly better than expected), my summer break begins. And what better way to celebrate my release (and share some sorrow--I will not be returning to this campus for about one and a half years) by going around campus and taking some final shots? I found a flowerbed where some amazing color schemes were happening. 

And so, here are some of the pictures!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring is here!

Well, I don't know about you, but lately it's been pretty cold for spring. Happily though, it seems we're getting some warm days headed our way. Even better is the fact that after 5pm tomorrow, I'll be done with school until August~! So my summer break is on the way, even when spring is just staring up here in the cold north. :D

So, here are some of the signs of spring, taken along campus.

I hope you have a happy spring~!