The time I'm not working at the Center is spent usually helping my mother with her crazy landscaping endeavors. This weekend it was trimming the trees and creating shade gardens under them. I've grown an aversion to all pine trees due to the amount of twigs, bark, and sap I've pulled from my hair in the last weekend. It probably amounts to at least half a tree. -_-;; The yard looks great, though, and I'm very pleased with what I've done.
I've been able to snap a few pictures, but haven't had time to upload them to my computer yet. I caught the last of the apple blossoms behind my house and am very pleased with the results. I've also photographed some of my adorable kitties and a nest of robins, living near the center. Hopefully sometime this week I'll be able to snap some shots of the pair of cranes (plus baby!) that are living near the Center.
Well, I should probably be getting ready for another busy day tomorrow.
Have a good week!