Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just Thinkin'...

So today Liz and I were just chilling in the CIE lounge (henceforth known as “the Lounge” or “CIE”) when along came a gaggle of Japanese students with the dreaded…SURVEYS!

Dun dun DUN!

Well yes, if you’re going to hang out in the CIE, you’re also going to have Japanese students practice their English and use you for surveys for their classes. It’s common sense for them to use native-speaking resources for their English classes. I have no problem with this, because it allows me to sometimes practice my Japanese on them. Other people are not so happy about this occurrence.

Anyways, I filled out five or so surveys with Liz today about health, eating, and nutrition. And I can happily say, I think we’ve broken the mold on some students’ opinions and stereotypes about America. You see, Liz and I are both people who are very healthy. Sure, I don’t exercise as much as she does, but we both believe in eating healthy and not dieting (we would recommend, instead, a change in lifestyle habits of eating and activity). And there’s also the fact that the portions I eat in Japan (due to Okaasan’s finagling of my eating portions) are slightly bigger than what I eat in America. My survey people were floored. It was kinda funny in a way, if it wasn’t so sad that everyone thought that Americans were butterballs that consumed food like black holes.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, and just in time for the Thanksgiving extravaganza (speaking of Butterballs...)
