Sunday, May 20, 2012

10 Things I've Adapted to in Japan

1. Close, whizzing by, missing-by-just-a-hair traffic. I have no fear of cars driving next to me as I walk down the road. This, of course, will have to change before I return to the Land of Crazy Drivers.

2. Silence and relative peace on public transportation.

3. Wearing makeup everyday. I'm really not much for makeup, but just about ever girl in Japan wears some sort of makeup, so you feel super conspicuous without it.

4. Absolute strangers smiling and greeting you (though I still have trouble implementing it in real life...).

5. Being stared at like a wild animal in a zoo (though it still irritates me).

6. Seeing women carry parasols on the street and while riding and texting at the same time.

7. Delicious cafeteria food that looks nice as well!

8. Posing with the peace sign for pictures

9. Dollar stores that sell useful things with quality.

10. Being able to sleep on public transportation and not be judged or molested for it.

Bonus Fact!

11. The fact that grades aren't everything.

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