Sunday, May 6, 2012

Golden Week - Part Four

Well, Golden Week is finishing up, and so we went to a farm today, by Hina’s request.

By entering the farm, I did not expect to be punched in the face by homesickness, but it happened nonetheless. I’ve been pretty good with homesickness (not really having it at all except for short bursts during the holidays and such) but I did not realize how much I missed being on the farm.
I may have sniffled when I saw this

The first, and most important, stop of the day was to see the donkeys. You could buy food and feed them. It was all very nostalgic—I used to have a goat, you see, and there is very little difference between a goat and a donkey’s manners, especially when it comes to food. It was kinda sad to see the small pen all of the animals were enclosed in, though, and even sadder to see that I was the only one attempting to pet the poor creatures instead of just throwing bread crusts at them (to be fair, these were extremely rude and violent donkeys, but still!). The entire (rather small for so many creatures) pen was covered in filth with nothing green in the court or the manger. Some of the poor donkeys were caked with their own filth and it saddened me. The rabbit cages were nicer, but I still am worrying about those unsheared sheep that were panting in corner.

Despite the rather pitiful cages of the sheep and donkeys, the rabbits' burrow looked pretty nice, if small
Then we went on a walk, where I nearly had tears over the smell of fresh dirt and greenery combined with the different bird and frog calls. It was very unnerving to see myself reduced as such, but the sun was shining, it was gorgeous weather, and I soon got over it.


The traditional Japanese farmhouse

This is "takenoko" or baby bamboo

And then we returned home and I did homework.

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