Saturday, May 5, 2012

Golden Week - Part Three

The weather was great today—that’s why we went out on a picnic with Okaasan’s family! The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and we managed to find a wonderful place to settle down and eat some packed bento (from the store).

From the store, but still delicious!
Ojiisan (Okaasan’s father) was also a camera geek, like myself, but preferred film cameras to digital (and, as it turns out, he was a professional photographer for many a year). As I also enjoy film cameras, we, well just me, cooed over the other’s cameras.

It was a pretty lazy day. Hina caught a cabbage moth, and I attempted to lecture on the evils of the cabbage moth (as only a farm girl can do) in Japanese. I think I may have failed.
Here's me teasing Hina-chan. She kept throwing her shoes away from the picnic blanket, so I went and picked them up. Then she would reclaim them and throw them again, so I started playing keep-away. We both had fun.

But that’s okay. I meandered around the pond with Okaasan and Hina, learned that the Japanese have a word for the color of fresh, green leaves (萌義理 もえぎりmoegiri), and managed to sunburn my face again (despite all the sunscreen I slathered on).

Lookit the cute inchworm!
I made a daisy crown! How nostalgic.
After Hina-chan abandoned her crown, Okaasan tried it on for size.
I feel that everyone had a great time. I had a good time as well! But, aaagh, finals are coming up and I just do not want to study. Wish me luck!

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