Saturday, November 12, 2011

Traditional Japanese Garden

Today Okaasan and I went to a traditional Japanese garden. It was a local park, so it was free to go to. However, we arrived when it was about to close, but due to me being foreign, we were allowed to quickly circuit it. Ah, the pleasures of sticking out like a sore thumb...

I never knew how many spiders inhabited a tiny garden like this one. I actually didn’t take any pictures, but the webs were huge. Also there we saw something that Okaasan called “wild turkeys.”

Okay, I live in Wisconsin. For me, wild turkeys are these:

However, in Japan (according to Okaasan), wild turkeys are these:

…yeah, I don’t get it either. The word I know for “duck” (あひる), is apparently only used for domesticated animals, and I didn’t have my trusty electronic dictionary to help me.

In spring, there would be a patch of irises here. I find it interesting that they're all labeled with their names. Yes, each specific flower has a name. Isn't that cute?

The little coats (like the traditional straw raincoats) on the pine trees are to protect them from bugs. Aren't they adorable?

These rocks are designed to look like mountains. Japan just seems to love mountains, don't they?
 Ah, Japanese nature gardens are really enjoyable, aren't they?

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