So, it is officially Hanukkah here in Japan for me, for I have finally accomplished the LATKE (fried potato pancakes typical to the Jewish festival of Hanukkah) in Japan. It wasn't easy, but I managed to find a slicer and then cut the paper thin slices to make up for not being able to find a freakin' grater in the kitchen. -_-;;
So, with one day to spare (tomorrow is the last day), I have accomplished Hanukkah. And I managed to share the joy with nearby people (for feeding people is almost as fun as cooking for people!)!
Happy Hanukkah to all and to all a good night~!
Now I'm off to start my SUPAH SEKRET CRAFTY PROJECT, which will hopefully be done in a couple of weeks, and it will be posted on the blog with pictures!!
A college student's musings and photos as she travels to Japan
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
My Christmas in Japan
...just watch it, please!
So yes, I did go to a delicious Chinese restaurant with my dear friend Machi. We had a blast eating the cuisine and talking about various children's books from our childhoods. Then we stopped on the way back to pick up some potatoes and onions for the latkes I will be eventually making sometime this week.
It was a good day. :)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Dorming Yet Again
Today I made my way from Okaasan's to the dorms of Seminar House Two. Surprisingly, despite shipping a fair amount of stuff back home, I still came out with more luggage than I started with. -_-;; Ugh. I wish I didn't collect stuff like a snowball, but I love what I have!
Surprisingly, Okaasan sent me off with a big bang--she packed me lunch and dinner along with a whole box of edible goodies!
And that's not including the haori and scarf (pictures finally taken!) that she got for me!
I'm all settled in now and I'm glad after the hecticness of the day. :)
Surprisingly, Okaasan sent me off with a big bang--she packed me lunch and dinner along with a whole box of edible goodies!
All of this is edible and to be used in a kitchen--I'm practically set for a week! |
Here's dinner--yakisoba and delicious! |
Details of the shibori |
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Last night I received a surprise—Okaasan had a gift for me! And that is how I learned the payoffs of being a historical culture nerd.
What did I get?
Okaasan bought me a NEW HAORI and SCARF in a shibori pattern (shibori is also known as “tie-dye” in the West, but Japan’s style is so unique and quintessential “Japan” that they seem like different ways of cloth dying, in my mind). I was blown away. She told me I was the first student she had done this for because I had shown an interest in the culture.
This is the shibori dying pattern, not from my haori or scarf, unfortunately... Each of these little circles is created by tying a tiny rope around the fabric before dying...pretty intricate, ne? |
I was blown away. The scarf is a gorgeous mix of pink, red, and orange, while the haori is a light red. I couldn’t stop smiling. I am bouncing off the walls. It is so pretty and I am so happy; I am basically incoherent with descriptive words to describe how I feel right now. Awestruck, bashful, cheery, delighted, elated…I could go on for the entire alphabet!
I don't have any pictures yet, but I will!
I spent most of today figuring how to pack all of my stuff (plus the stuff my family sent for winter) into two little suitcases....I think I accumulate waaaaay too much stuff way to quickly. -_-
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Toji yet again
So, I'm not afraid to admit it--I really enjoy flea markets, especially Toji, because I know where all my favorite shops are now. :D
Especially Toji |
This trip was especially special because I went with my friends Kolbrún, Machi, and Alexa. Alexa was leaving later today, so we all went extra super early!
Alexa, Machi, and Kolbrún |
The highlight of our trip, I have to say, was the konpeito stall. Konpeito, if you didn't know, is small sugar rock candy crystals that look (in my opinion) like confetti. And they were gorgeous! Choosing from the various colors, we were allowed to assemble a small bag that we then paid for. The colors were vivid and it was really fun deciding which colors and flavors I wanted!
The leaves there were pretty too! |
After Toji, we hopped the train back to Hirakata Station, bid our teary farewells, and then saw Alexa off.
Bon Voyage, Alexa (and also belated wishes to Erin, Marian, Caroline, and Margaret as well as they venture home!)!!
Bon Voyage, Alexa (and also belated wishes to Erin, Marian, Caroline, and Margaret as well as they venture home!)!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I REFUSE to Believe Winter is Upon Us
It is really hard to believe, despite the lowering temperatures, that's it's really actually winter and not a late October. Of course, this has to do with the mural of red, orange, and gold leaves that decorate the street ways and the fact that there are still trees with green leaves.
Look at those gorgeous colors. Can you believe it's winter?
Monday, December 19, 2011
So, I'm done with my schooling for this semester. The grades are mostly in, though I'm still waiting to hear about Speaking Japanese and Sumi-e (though I'm sure I did fine...)
I passed both my anthropology class and Reading/Writing Japanese class with flying colors, I'm proud to say. Of course, I had my doubts about my anthro class due my lack of interest in the class that slowly started after the drop point passed, but oh well. I guess that looking for academics in a college basically designed for sightseeing is setting the bar a little high, but hey, whatever. It's all over now.
Soon I'll be posting about sumi-e and some of my better looking pictures (the first couple of weeks made it look like a raccoon had made off with an ink brush!) along with an explanation of the processes used. I'm really looking forward to it.
I move into the dorms for winter vacation this Saturday, and I'm really excited! Despite having a small case of the sniffles, I'm doing fine and packing piece by piece into my large (but apparently not large enough >.< oh no!) suitcases and I'm planning my vacation. A trip to Tokyo with friends is a must!!
I passed both my anthropology class and Reading/Writing Japanese class with flying colors, I'm proud to say. Of course, I had my doubts about my anthro class due my lack of interest in the class that slowly started after the drop point passed, but oh well. I guess that looking for academics in a college basically designed for sightseeing is setting the bar a little high, but hey, whatever. It's all over now.
Soon I'll be posting about sumi-e and some of my better looking pictures (the first couple of weeks made it look like a raccoon had made off with an ink brush!) along with an explanation of the processes used. I'm really looking forward to it.
I move into the dorms for winter vacation this Saturday, and I'm really excited! Despite having a small case of the sniffles, I'm doing fine and packing piece by piece into my large (but apparently not large enough >.< oh no!) suitcases and I'm planning my vacation. A trip to Tokyo with friends is a must!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
So I went to my very first kabuki show today and it was the epitome of validating why I study Japan.
Yes, it was that epic.
The kabuki I went to was a very special show—one shown only in December. It’s called the Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo (Annual custom, all-star cast face showing) and it’s called “face showing” because it’s snippets of scenes in plays and not the whole plays in their entirety as well as starring only the best and brightest of the kabuki troupe. Despite this, we started at 4:30pm and got out around 10pm. It was very long, but very worth it.
Kabuki is the traditional art of Japanese theater that involves dancing, elaborate make up and costumes, and cross-dressing. Yes, just like Shakespearian theater, all the actors are men—even the women. What makes it worse is that the onnagata (the men who play female roles) are usually more feminine than most women…or at least me.
![]() |
Yes, this is a man. |
Machi, Me, and Alexa in our traditional finery after the show! |
I went with a couple of my friends—pictured are Machi and Alexa (with Heather taking the picture!), but it all started with something better suited for a farce.
Running late, Machi and I strove to quickly get Alexa into her kimono; we had five or so minutes to do a process that usually takes over half an hour. We managed to get a good portion of it done, but decided to forgo the obi (the sash) with a complicated bow and use substitutions instead, and then ran like headless chickens for the bus that if we missed, we would be late beyond all politeness.
While we were running to catch the bus (and me in three inch heels!), I managed to braid Alexa’s hair into less of a tangled bird’s nest and into something presentable (though I know you’re supposed to do the hair before the kimono!). Yes, I managed to braid her hair while running. I feel as if I deserve some sort of semi-mom award for “helping get presentable under pressure” or something like that! :D
We made the bus.
Taking a train, we managed to arrive at the kabuki theater just as it was opening. There was such a swarm of people! It was kinda claustrophobic… But eventually we managed to get in and find our seats…which were at the very back (and top!) of the theater.
Pretty steep, huh? |
Walking into the theater room itself gave me a very different sense from American theaters. For one, I felt like I was scaling a rock cliff, the stairs were so steep. One of my friends actually had to leave for a while because she got vertigo. But the colors on the stage were fantastic and every so often you could see someone running behind the curtain to move stuff. And then the show started and I got my first real difference between Japanese and American theater.
In Japan, they don’t turn the lights completely off during the performance. There was plenty of light for me to read and write notes in the margins of the copies of the script the teacher had given us (I was joining a fieldtrip for a class I was not a participant in). There was enough light to navigate the treacherous stairs (though I did not attempt to do so), and even enough light that I could admire the gorgeous haori I was wearing (though I didn’t, instead deciding to focus on the very fascinating scenes shown in front of me).
In between all of the plays (there were five), there is a fifteen to thirty minute intermission, where you can stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, buy food, or eat dinner. Yes, you can drink beer in the theater while watching. It’s practically encouraged.
So, the first “scene” cemented my love for kabuki. It was not the plot (kinda trite in my opinion, though if I did enough research, I’m sure it would make more sense for me), or the interesting use of stage effects—it was the scenery that did it for me.
DISCLAIMER: This is a very scarce and brief description of the play in order to highlight the scenery, costumes, and acting, not the story.
It started with a man on a balcony admiring the tops of some blooming cherry trees. There was talking and reminiscing and the man finding out that he was adopted. Then—suddenly!—his arch rival appears underneath his balcony.
To show this, the trees start running away (quite literally, as there are people behind them) and then the balcony the man is sitting on starts rising up into the air, until a whole new level is shown and the arch rival appears.
My eyes nearly dropped out of their sockets. Everything was done so cleverly and it looked so real! I think I may have let out a dreamy sigh. I think the old man sitting kitty-corner to me gave me a look. But it was so well executed!
The second act I enjoyed for the last scene and the character contained within—the kabuki horse. It is one of the most comical things I have seen in a long, long time. Imagine a horse, but instead of horse legs, it has human legs (with shoes!) that march in unison—very much not like how a horse works. Despite the somber mood of the actors before it (it was a pretty sad story), I nearly burst into guffaws. Luckily, I managed to keep it silent, though I was shaking from the effort.
The third act was actually pretty boring because we didn’t have a copy of the script on hand, and most of the characters were sitting down and speaking. In formal, archaic Japanese. Despite being able to understand about a third of what comes out of my Okaasan’s mouth, I was so utterly lost. It went on for ages with no one moving—just one man talking, and then another talking. I was surprised when I didn’t fall asleep and despite not having a script or even understanding any of what they were saying allowed me to focus on the details in the costuming and the set. The tiniest of details, like a papered over crack in the wall or a bloody bandage around a man’s head were given the greatest care. The most impressive thing was the speedy scenery changes. Going from the luxurious inner room of a rich man to the desolate, snowy winterland of the outdoors in under two minutes? Let me tell you non-drama people, doing something like that is an amazing feat!
The fourth act, however, was the deal breaker for me. I don’t know how else to describe it, but the dance was exactly like an ukiyo-e (which makes sense because ukiyo-e were originally designed to highlight kabuki actors). With the traditional songs and music, it was what one would call “traditional Japan.” The colors put into Okaji’s (the woman) clothes and the way she moved were so graceful, sometimes I forgot that she was a man! I could see tropes of a “traditional woman” in her dance and through her actions. It was a wonderful moment for me because I understood what was happening, even without looking at the script and I had never taken a kabuki class before this! All of my studying paid off for this single moment of enlightenment! This was my favorite piece, actor-wise.
Also, how do the singing men hit pitches higher than sopranos without vibratos?!
Despite not having a script (only a summary) for the fifth, and final, act, I have to say that it was the one that was my favorite acting-wise. It was, what I've been told, a Japanese version of the Weekend at Benny's? Anyways, there was a corpse and in order to make money for the funeral, his friends made the corpse dance in people's houses to gather money. The acting was exquisite--you couldn't even tell that the corpse was actually a person if you didn't look hard enough. And the other actors' reactions were priceless!
One of the scenes where the corpse "grabs" the rich man's wife. One of my favorite scenes! :) |
The highlight of the whole event, though, was surprisingly during an intermission. I was in the line for the bathroom and two old Japanese obaa-sans stopped me and told me in very simple Japanese that my haori (Japanese coat) looked lovely. I blushed so hard…. It’s one thing to feel like you’re just a pig in sheep’s clothing when you’re wearing traditional Japanese clothes and are painfully not Japanese, but it’s quite another thing to have two old ladies in exquisite kimono tell you you’re doing something right. I practically floated for the rest of the night!
Me in my haori |
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Definition of Family
(Can you tell I really don't want to start studying for exams yet? >.^ )
A while ago, an acquaintance and I were talking about our homestay life experiences and I mentioned that Okaasan was still feeding me meals that were disproportionate to what I had expected them to be. “Freakin’ huge,” I believe was the term I used. Anyways, that made her start laughing so hard.
“You’re still in the guest zone,” she told me. “You’re not considered family yet.”
Hearing that bothered me because I feel that the repertoire between Okaasan and I is going pretty well. When we skyped my parents, afterword, both parents commented on how well we seemed to get along together. Okaasan does feel a little bit like my family.
So I was thinking; mulling this over. Does Okaasan feel the same way? And you know what? I think she does, despite what that acquaintance did say. Most nights, I eat dinner alone, with Okaasan perusing the mail and or newspaper in front of me because she’s had a late lunch. Every day, Okaasan packs me an obento (adorable lunch box) to take to school. She’s told me that she does this so I can save money to go to the places I want to go, instead of having to worry about fees for school and other things (let me say this: everything I do inside Japan is mostly funded by me with all of my life savings. I am very, very thankful to my family for helping me with college tuition and plane tickets, so what I do in Japan, what I buy in Japan—this is all done under the assumption that I am drawing from my own bank account. Thus, I hope to learn how to budget in the best way possible—though experience!).
And then there’s the fact that in this house, there’s only Okaasan and I. I feel that that does change the “family” dynamics quite a bit, though I have no “family” experience to rely back on. But, at least in America, there’s the whole concept of not letting someone eat alone—especially if they’re a guest. Sometimes, Okaasan won’t even sit at the table with me when I eat as she tidies up the kitchen. I don’t feel that that is proper guest etiquette even in Japan. So I’m pretty certain I’m family. It’s just so hard to gage when I’m the only other person living in the house…
Friday, December 2, 2011
An Exploration of American Culture Through the Preparation of Japanese Food: My Observations
So, a while ago my dad asked me if I had gained any cultural insights onto my own culture after living in a totally different one or if I was still obsessing over the fact that the Japanese have no ovens.
(On the contrary, I have a right to be obsessed. Since my forte is baking, the lack of ovens shows that I cannot win over more followers and friends through baked goods. This makes it harder for me to gather souls, but I digress.)
I’m still fascinated by the fact that you can’t really bake big (read: Sarah-sized) batches of cookies in Japan. This probably shows the difference between consumerism in Japan (you can’t expect a whole Japanese family to devour 38 or so cookies in one night when they’re still fresh [though in my family, they’re gone like a snap. I now wonder whether I’m just that good or if we are being influenced by the American consumerism culture….] or even in a week or so.) The portions are extremely small here along with the fact that fresh food is bought every day for the daily meals instead of hoarding food to feed you for weeks like in American culture (and just to put this out there—I’m not really sure if this buy everything at once to feed you and your family for two or three weeks occurs elsewhere, so I’m generalizing.)
But back to the main subject!
I’m learning more about my culture through admonitions that Okaasan gives me when we’re cooking, than I have ever experienced in my twenty-so years of existence. And it’s kinda baffling to realize. Every single time I chop or cut something, I always hear the same thing: 「ちょっとうす、ちょっとうす」, which means “a little thinner, a little thinner.” I also hear a lot of what translates to “you’re cutting too much, just stop now and mince it.” While stirring, I am constantly being told to just do slow, little strokes so that the food doesn’t jump out of the pan (and to be fair, my dad tells me to do that as well…).
Let me tell you now: this advice goes against just about everything I’ve been taught and use for cooking.
The above statement also lets you know how many mistakes I have made so far (about once every six seconds or so).
And then today as I was mincing carrots, it hit me. The Japanese care so much about presentation, that they even do it while preparing their meals. And let me tell you, this revelation shocked me.
I am one of the many followers of Julia Child and, like her, was raised to believe that while the final presentation of the food matters, if you make a mistake in the kitchen, no one will know (Note: I am also a learned follower of my father’s school of art of show cooking, which allows for your guests to be amazed by your cooking prowess in the kitchen [also getting them to help you with the dishes after the meal *wink*] but I realize now that the kitchen still gets pretty messy but you focus your guests’ attention on what you are cooking at the current moment).
(You don't have to watch it all, just the first twenty-five seconds or so, to see what I'm talking about...)
The Japanese don’t do this. Ever. Every single aspect of the cooking process has to be neat and tidy. This revelation came around when Okaasan explained to me why I should cut less and immediately put it into the preferred holding bowl to make the cutting board “look pretty.”
I would like to state here that while I am a Japanese Language and Culture major, I’m sure that there are libraries filled with information that I do not know and that could totally take these theories and smash them into little bits. If you have a hold of any of these, please send them my way because I would really like to become enlightened. This is just from the knowledge I have now and what I have observed. I could be totally wrong on all parts and I am not an expert. Just putting this out there.
My hypothesis goes something like this: The American culture just doesn’t care how something is made, just as long as it looks pretty and benefits them somehow in the end (this explains many things from fast food to Julia Child to Walmart). The Japanese actually care about how it looks while it is being made. That is why there are so many food shops with glass windows so you can see your stuff being made and why the Japanese take such precision to everything. Because it matters to them that there was a sense of perfection in every aspect of a piece.
My secondary hypothesis is that this (my first hypothesis) is all (or at least a major part) because of space. Japan is an itty-bitty, cramped island where you all need to get along. Arguing with each other and maybe even starting a civil war is bound to end in bloodshed, death, and not enough people to continue on. There are not enough resources for all the people, which is why presentation and minimalism is very important. Prices are expensive because just about all the resources are imported into Japan (and even more so with the Fukushima crisis). But in America, we have so much land we’re putting good farmland under concrete. We destroy forests to put in shopping malls because we want to shop for things that make our life more comfortable (though I’m not saying that we alone do this—most every country that has enough time in their daily lives for free time and pleasure does this) and if we don’t get along with people? We can always move a town, county, or state away. The fact is, America is so large, we don’t need to all get along and focus on minimalism like the Japanese because we have all the space we could possibly want.
My sub-hypothesis is that this is also a factor to why Japan is so nationalistic—there’s not enough room for more people to move in, and not enough resources to share among the people already here—that’s why Japan is so inclusive and such (at least I feel this was the case in the beginning of Japanese history. I don’t feel up on politics and current history to speculate if that is still true today).
So yes, this is what the secrets of cooking have revealed to me so far. And I still can’t manage to get the hang instantly of using a Japanese knife (which is different at cutting than the ones I use in America).
‘Till the next time! Finals are coming up, but that means that break is as well!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
And Thus Schoolwork Wins Over Blogwork
So, finals are coming up in the best way possible--paper and test forms~!
So now I'm frantically writing papers and hoping to get everything done by Thursday so I can work on my final project for Sumi-e.
Do not fear! Once schoolwork is over, I'm writing a HUGE reflection post for Japan, this semester (and thus Kansai Gaidai), and transportation in Japan. It's going to be epic, so just you wait and see!
Until then, back to the salt mines! *whipcrack*
So now I'm frantically writing papers and hoping to get everything done by Thursday so I can work on my final project for Sumi-e.
Do not fear! Once schoolwork is over, I'm writing a HUGE reflection post for Japan, this semester (and thus Kansai Gaidai), and transportation in Japan. It's going to be epic, so just you wait and see!
Until then, back to the salt mines! *whipcrack*
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tragedy at Toji
Well today marked a very tragic day for me. For the very first time ever in my life I became a delinquent and skipped class to go to the Toji flea market. It was epic and awesome and I may have bought a couple of more kimono. And some plush owls. :D
And that was when it happened.
Burdened down by my bags, I took my camera off my neck and placed it on a secure-looking post not knowing what was going to happen next.
You probably already know what happened, but I suppose I should just finish the story.
One of the friends I went with didn’t notice my camera and knocked it off its perch and into the local gutter/river thing. Fortunately, the camera part of the camera remained unscathed by water, mud, and breakage, but the lens (for non-camera geeks a.k.a. the most expensive part of the whole camera) made its way into the river and is now recuperating in a bowl of rice as we speak.
It’s not as bad as it could have been—the lens can still take pictures, but the camera doesn’t recognize it as being actually attached to the camera, due to a small piece of plastic breaking off during the fall. Needless to say, after my baby broke, I left Toji and headed back home, heartbroken.
As of right now, I’m still not sure if I can just get a plastic replacement part for the tiny piece that has broken off or if I need to buy a new lens entirely (eek!), but either way, there won’t be many pictures on the blog until my baby’s fixed. I might be able to borrow someone else’s, but, again, nothing is set in stone.
And also a big shout out to my friends who helped me stop panicking over the (apparent) death of my baby and help get me safely home! Thank you so much!
Here's some pictures of Toji before the unfortunate accident:
Two of my buddies, Erin and Liz. There were about...I want to say four others, but we kept wandering in and out of each other's way, so it was always a changing number. |
Also, I'm playing with the formatting of the blog this week, so sorry if your feeds are spammed...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Just Thinkin'...
So today Liz and I were just chilling in the CIE lounge (henceforth known as “the Lounge” or “CIE”) when along came a gaggle of Japanese students with the dreaded…SURVEYS!
Dun dun DUN!
Well yes, if you’re going to hang out in the CIE, you’re also going to have Japanese students practice their English and use you for surveys for their classes. It’s common sense for them to use native-speaking resources for their English classes. I have no problem with this, because it allows me to sometimes practice my Japanese on them. Other people are not so happy about this occurrence.
Anyways, I filled out five or so surveys with Liz today about health, eating, and nutrition. And I can happily say, I think we’ve broken the mold on some students’ opinions and stereotypes about America. You see, Liz and I are both people who are very healthy. Sure, I don’t exercise as much as she does, but we both believe in eating healthy and not dieting (we would recommend, instead, a change in lifestyle habits of eating and activity). And there’s also the fact that the portions I eat in Japan (due to Okaasan’s finagling of my eating portions) are slightly bigger than what I eat in America. My survey people were floored. It was kinda funny in a way, if it wasn’t so sad that everyone thought that Americans were butterballs that consumed food like black holes.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Furisode Fun!
Today Okaasan helped me get dressed in my furisode I bought at the Toji Temple flea market. Apparently, it’s a little small on me (probably because it was made for a Japanese woman and not a gangly American) but I love it anyways. I can probably not wear it in Japan without getting mocked, but I feel that not a ton of people in America would notice that it didn’t fit me as well… Hmmmm, I may know what I’m wearing on the plane ride home. XD
I don’t have all the accoutrements needed for kimono wearing, so Okaasan kindly lent me her own. Everything except the kimono and one of the sashes is borrowed from hers. Apparently the obi I bought didn’t have the right stiffness for the bow she wanted to make, so she lent me her own. “Next time,” she promised, “we’ll put your hair in a cuter style and use your own obi.” So, yay! It’ll happen again!
From the front! |
Did you know that you’re supposed to style your hair before putting on a kimono? Yeah, I didn’t. I just wanted to keep it out of the way for the forty-five minutes spent completely still as Okaasan wrapped me up like a doll.
Look at the designs! |
The Japanese have a thing about wrapping things to make them pretty; it’s only common sense that that would apply to wearing clothes as well. There are so many things you need to make yourself compliant with a kimono. I could tell you them all and describe them to you myself, but there’ s already a lovely page about that that I will direct you to: here. Check it out if you want to see what went into making me look like I was kimono-ized.
Look at the beautifully tied obi! |
Fortunately, getting out of a kimono takes much less time than getting into one. In about five minutes I was out and in my regular clothes.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Traditional Japanese Garden
Today Okaasan and I went to a traditional Japanese garden. It was a local park, so it was free to go to. However, we arrived when it was about to close, but due to me being foreign, we were allowed to quickly circuit it. Ah, the pleasures of sticking out like a sore thumb...
I never knew how many spiders inhabited a tiny garden like this one. I actually didn’t take any pictures, but the webs were huge. Also there we saw something that Okaasan called “wild turkeys.”
Okay, I live in Wisconsin. For me, wild turkeys are these:
However, in Japan (according to Okaasan), wild turkeys are these:
…yeah, I don’t get it either. The word I know for “duck” (あひる), is apparently only used for domesticated animals, and I didn’t have my trusty electronic dictionary to help me.
In spring, there would be a patch of irises here. I find it interesting that they're all labeled with their names. Yes, each specific flower has a name. Isn't that cute? |
The little coats (like the traditional straw raincoats) on the pine trees are to protect them from bugs. Aren't they adorable? |
These rocks are designed to look like mountains. Japan just seems to love mountains, don't they? |
Ah, Japanese nature gardens are really enjoyable, aren't they?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
She's Back!
So, you all may be wondering why I was out of touch this week....well, it's not that much of a long story, so I will tell you (and then update! update! update! all the blog entries that I've been missing).
To start it off, there was Halloween and the contest I entered, rendering me useless to do homework until 11 at night--and I had conveniently forgotten that I had a powerpoint due the next day. Needless to say, there was no sleep the night of Halloween! Then there was the culture festival, which was a wonderful distraction from just about everything--including schoolwork. Following that was a frantic haste to finish up my midterm paper for my anthropology class--I wanted it done by Friday (though it was due Monday) so I could relax over the weekend.
And then it happened--the weekend. First I went to the Royal Palace in the pouring, then had a belated birthday (2 months!). At this point, I was a little fatigued, and had slept weirdly so my throat got kinda dry at night. The next day I (finally!) went to Fushimi Inari which resides on top of a mountain with no elevator. >.< I had a blast! And then it happened.
To start it off, there was Halloween and the contest I entered, rendering me useless to do homework until 11 at night--and I had conveniently forgotten that I had a powerpoint due the next day. Needless to say, there was no sleep the night of Halloween! Then there was the culture festival, which was a wonderful distraction from just about everything--including schoolwork. Following that was a frantic haste to finish up my midterm paper for my anthropology class--I wanted it done by Friday (though it was due Monday) so I could relax over the weekend.
And then it happened--the weekend. First I went to the Royal Palace in the pouring, then had a belated birthday (2 months!). At this point, I was a little fatigued, and had slept weirdly so my throat got kinda dry at night. The next day I (finally!) went to Fushimi Inari which resides on top of a mountain with no elevator. >.< I had a blast! And then it happened.
I got sick. Being sick in Japan is srs bsns (serious business). If you’re sick, you need to buy some horrendously overpriced otc meds (much like in America), but you also need to buy a medical mask. I have no idea why (maybe Japan just doesn’t want to see dripping noses or just wants to stop contagion), but if you’re sick in Japan (or part of the punk subculture…), you wear a medical mask.
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Example A: Sick person wearing medical mask |
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Example B: Part of the punk subculture |
Currently, I'm still sniffing along, and Okaasan has unfortunately caught it as well. :(
We're both healing, and look forward to hearing more updates from me~!
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