Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quiet Day

The most interesting part of my day today was having a conversation with Okaasan about how I preferred older songs and showtunes, as compared to popular culture (yes, I’m a fan of the oldies, yes I will defend them to the death, yes I do randomly burst into song and dance numbers in the middle of anywhere if the fancy strikes me. I haven’t done it yet in Japan because I feel that adding to the negative (or just plain weird) stereotype of foreigners is unfair to the rest that follow. At least in America, I’m sure that it usually reflects on me and me alone).

I also chatted with some friends and (finally) received the birthday card my family sent. It had some stickers and other important matters also within, but mostly ~*STICKERS*~! Yes, in case you were wondering, I do have the mind and priorities of a five year old on sugar. I also got a book I ordered from the Japanese Amazon website. It’s in English, and is by one of my favored authors (and is the second in a trilogy!). Let me just say that that book is enthralling. I used it as a reward system. Every question I filled out on my homework was rewarded with a chapter…or two…or fifteen (what can I say? I love Kate Elliot!).

...I may have stayed up past midnight to finish it, but I'm not telling.

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